Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Aug 9th-12th: San Francisco and Oakland--> The Bay Area!

Let 's us take a second here to appreciate something: ALL GLORY GOES TO MOSE.

Mose Wintner, along with his AMAZING roommates put 10 (TEN!) of us Iowa-ass-motherfuckers up in their beautiful Oakland home for 4 (FOUR!) nights!!

Look at this place. Look at the color of that bike.
It's like a magic ship.
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MOSE, JEFF, ADAM, RAPHELA, AND LAURA!!! Your home and kindness is amazing and deeply beautiful.

And here's a list of the dope-ass-shit we did while chillin and playing shows in Oakland and San Francisco, in no particular order:

- Played flippy-cup.
- Drank coffee.
- Watched The Dark Crystal.
- Went to the beach.
- Visited with Fairfield friends (RAMA! JOY JOY! EVAN! PAUL!)
- Slept on a kitchen floor.
- Watched Mumford's slay a parking garage in San Francisco.
- Slayed a set in The Pink House's basement in San Francisco.
- Watched Mumford's change lives in a basement in San Francisco.
- Time traveled.
- Ate burritos.
- Fell in love.
- Went to the park.
- Shopped till we dropped.
- Enjoyed the god damn shit out of life.

Here's some proof of that last one.
Wildman made friends with the starfish.
Mumford's rocking the flipping fuck out of a parking garage. Killing it with Magic every night.
San Francisco is so pretty.
It was Christmas all year at The Pink House.
Look at Dom's Rock and Roll Lips!

Here's the thing: San Francisco LOVE. Oakland LVOE. Old friends LEVO. New Friends LOEV. LOVE. love. love. love.


  1. Lookin' good. u guys rock. you guys geode. but you gu7ys do NOT statue.
