Here's the thing: everyone loves their friends and family. Except for maybe racist, homophobic fuck face people, who are ruining everyone's vibe all the time. But that aside --- here's the thing: sometimes a whole butt load of your friends and a little of your family all migrate to Portland, leaving you high and dry and as sad as a bunch of dead dogs on a hot highway, left to rot and listen to the trucks plow by with your dead ears in the hot midwestern sun…
So your like, "let's go on tour! LET's GO TO PORTLAND WHERE THE LOVE IS THICK AND UNDYING!! "
That's what happened to us. And Christ, let me tell you, we could have stayed a whole shit load of a lot longer, and it wouldn't have been long enough.
So this is a special message to all of our friends and family and people in PDmotherfuckingX: WE LOVE YOU. WE MISS YOU. IT WAS AMAZING TO SEE YOU AGAIN, even if just for a hot, nasty second. I hope you cry when you read this, like I'm doing writing it.
Here are some pictures that we will show our children.
And so on until the dawn of the age of enlightenment.
Here they are:
///Mike Cohn ----> who hooked us up with his friends at THE FUNKY CHURCH where we got to play our raucous, shitty hearts out.
///Mike Cook
///Rachel (Cook :):):):)
///Eric Johnson
You left our hearts a mess.
Just caught up on your tour adventures, looks like awesome. I got to be in PDX this May. I love that place. :)